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Muhammed Abdalla Khazin

Al-Tayeb Salih and Abdul Aziz Baraka Sakin in Sudanese Literature

Sudanese Literature in African Literature

Sudanese literature has an important place in African and Arabic literature. Although Sudanese literature is predominantly written in Arabic, there are also works written in English and the local languages of Sudan. The literary works that emerged after the independence of Sudan in Sudanese literature were mostly presented in the official language of Sudan. For this reason, Sudanese literature is an integral part of Arabic literature.

Al-Tayip Salih and the Novel of the Season of Migration to the North in Sudanese Literature

If we talk about post-colonial Sudanese literature, it should be said that there are many writers, poets and artists who can represent Sudanese literature, especially from the middle of the 20th century until today. As authors, Ustad Abdalla Al-Tayip, Al-Tayip Salih, Abdul Aziz Baraka Sakin, and Hammour Ziada; As poet, İderis Muhammed Camma, Yusuf Beşir, Al-Hadi Adem are famous figures of Sudanese literature.

In this study, the Sudanese writer Al-Tayip Salih, who has a special place among the Sudanese writers after “independence”, is considered the founder of Sudanese literature, was given the title of “the genius of the Arab novel” (عبقري الرواية العربية) and is on the list of the world's best 100 novelists. The success of Tayip Salih in his novels and stories has been met not only in the African continent and the Arab region but also all over the world. When it comes to Sudanese literature, Tayip Salih is almost a "must-have". The works written by Al-Tayip Salih focus on Sudan's culture, lifestyle, village life and women's issues. In addition, he insisted on issues such as the East-West dichotomy, colonialism and independence, animal husbandry and farming, political problems and social realism. The novel The Season of Migration to the North has been translated into more than twenty languages, making the author a world-renowned name. For example, his novels such as Zayin's Wedding and Season of Migration to the North have been published in Turkish since 1987. Tayip Salih's novels are the subject of the thesis, articles and various research of students in Arabic literature departments in Turkish universities. Various columns, essays and studies have been put forward about Tayip Salih in Africa, the West and Arab countries.

1- Who is Tayep Salih?

Tayyip Salih, one of the leading Arab literary figures, was born in Sudan in 1929. He studied at the Universities of Khartoum and London. He was the head of the B.B.C Arabic broadcasts theater department, “and then he worked at UNESCO. Tayep S Sahih's novels in which he displays social, religious and political identity as African or African Arab -Al- Rajul Al-Qubrosi (The Cypriot Man, 1978) Urs-al Zayn (The Wedding of zein,1969) Mawsim Al- Hijra ila Al - Shamal (The Season of Migration to the North, 1969) and Daumat Wad Hamid (The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid, 1985) - resonated in the West and translated into many languages. The Arabic film, adapted from Tayep Salih's novel Urs Al Zayn (Zeyn's Wedding), whose short stories are considered among the best in modern Arabic literature, was awarded at the Cannes Film Festival in 1976. Published in Beirut in 1966, The Season of Migration to the North was declared by the Academy of Arabic Literature in 2001 as the most important novel of the 20th century.

2- Who is Abdul Aziz Baraka Sakin?

Abdul Aziz Barka Sakin was born in 1963 in Kasala. He grew up in Kaşm Algerba, next to the city of Kadarif. He went to primary school in Dem Alnur, a secondary school in Kaşm Algirba, and completed his high school in Halfa Alcedida. Continuing his education and graduated in business from Egypt Assiut University. Currently, resides in Austria and he has married as well and is the father of two sons.

Professional Life of Abdul Aziz Baraka Sakin

He worked as an English teacher from 1993 to 2000. He then held various positions. Between 2007 to 2008, He worked as a child rights advisor at UNICEF in the Darfur region. In addition, he was the director of community development projects realized by the World Bank in the Blue Nile region. For Barka Sakin, this task has been the last. Barka Sakin, who loves to write, said that writing is the work of a magician and has devoted himself to writing ever since. In addition to the novels written by Sakin, he has also published articles in magazines, newspapers and websites. For example, he has several articles such as Almecela Al-Arabiya magazine, Dowha magazine, Al-dastur newspaper and the Al-Jazire Net site. He is also a member of Baraka Sakin's Sudan Story Club and Sudan Writers' Union. He has participated in many Arab and international cultural events.

Abdul Aziz Baraka Sakin Personality

Alcengo Masamir Al-Arz "The Nail of Al-Congo Soil" written by Baraka Sakin won Tayyep Salih's novel award in 2009. His novel was banned by a decree issued by the Sudanese Ministry of Culture right after this award was announced. In order to better encapsulate this novel, its circulation has also been blocked. He banned this author's novel A Woman from Kambo Kadis in 2005. In 2012, the works of Baraka Sakin did not allow censorship to be included in the Khartoum International Book Fair held every year in Sudan. He explained the ban to Sakin as follows. “I am well-intentioned and have good morals, more precisely, I am a defender of peace and freedom, but the censors read me wrongly”. Even though the books of the author of Bilmukabele were banned so much, they were read until they were banned. Sudanese people have a famous proverb: What is forbidden is desired. For this reason, although the works of Abudul Aziz were banned, his novel was studied in a literal way. On the other hand, the prohibition of Barka's works created a great impact abroad, as well as being popular in the country. For example, in 1993, he was awarded the short story award organized by the BBC at the Arab world level for his story A Woman from Kambo Kadis. He was not only limited to these awards, but also won the award with two works titled "Stories on the Air", which were organized in collaboration with the BBC and Al-Arabi Magazine. Abdul Aziz's novel Mukayalatul Kanderis was published in 2011. It was decided to include the German version translated by Dr. Ishraqa Mustafa in the academic curriculum of the Higher Technical Institute in Saalfelden, Austria, in 2013.


Tayip SALİH, Kuzeye Göç Mevsimi:Birinci baskı Ayrıntı Yayınları/ İstanbul 2011.

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