Idris Muhammad Camma was born in Halfaya-tül Muluk in 1922. He started his education by memorizing the Holy Quran in Halfaya-tül Muluk from a young age. He attended primary school in the same city in 1930. In 1934, he went to the city of Umdurman to study at the Umdurman Secondary School. However, he could not complete his education due to financial reasons. He entered the Bakt Al-Rida Teachers' School in 1946. A year later, he went to Cairo to study at the Teachers' Institute in Zeytun. He enrolled in the Dar'ul Ulum Faculty. Later, in 1951, he graduated from the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Department of Arabic Language and Literature and received a bachelor's degree. He attended the Teacher Training Institute in 1952 and obtained his diploma certificate.
“Idris Muhammad Camma started his career after returning from Egypt. He started as a teacher in primary schools in Sudan. He worked for a while as a teacher at the Institute of Education in Shendi, in the north of Sudan. He was then assigned to Tengeshi Al-Jazeere primary school. He was later transferred to Khartoum primary school. After graduating from Khartoum primary school, he continued his duty at Halfaya tul-Muluk primary school. Continuing his duty, the poet studied at the Al-Seneteyn school in Bakt Al-Rida in the White Nile region. The teacher poet has worked as a teacher in both high schools and secondary schools in various regions of Sudan throughout his life. İdris Camma is one of the poets who studied abroad”
(Middle School Sixth grade P. 28/29).
Emigration of İdris Muhammad Camma from the World
The poet was afflicted with mental illness in his last years. He was admitted to the Bahri Mental Hospital in North Khartoum. Despite being treated for a long time, he did not regain his health. He was sent to Lebanon for treatment during the period of President Ibrahim Abbud. However, he returned to Sudan without regaining his health. He emigrated from the world in 1980.
Poems of Idris Muhammad Camma
Idris Muhammad Camma's poems have been included in primary, secondary and high school books. His poems dealt with the themes of freedom, independence and love. On the other hand, he included the beauties of nature in his poems. He explained Sudan beautifully because he taught in different cities of Sudan. When he went to the city of Kadarif, he wrote the poem "Permanent Echo". He wrote his poem "Al-Camiaa Alhartum" while in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. In this poem, he described the University of Khartoum. One of the most famous poems he wrote, called Here a Voice Calls Me, is available in the sixth grade of Middle School. “A Voice Is Calling Me Here” was loved by a large audience. The poem at stake was recorded when Sudan was occupied by the British. With this poem, he addressed the people and said that they should fight against the British. It has been declared that the State of Sudan should live freely and be ruled by the Sudanese. After this poem was written, Sudan gained its independence on January 1, 1956.
Poem “You Are The Sky” أنتٍ السماء
Does it look at the beautiful beauties and get jealous of me?
What happens to you if I look at your beauties
This look makes you forget dignity, brings happiness to the suffering soul
You are my world, you are my joy, if the heart wishes, you are a wish
You are the blue sky that appears to us, you are what remains far from us
Beaten by the winds of longing, madly in love with the sofa, won't you show mercy?
The poem "You're the Sky" has been turned into a song by several artists. For example, Said Khalifa sang this poem in the 60s. Then Makarim Beşir revived it in 2016. When this poem was sung in the form of a song, it was welcomed by the people.
The Story of His Poetry Until the Sword Comes Out of Its Sheath
When Idris Muhammed Camma is sent to London for treatment, he likes a nurse with beautiful eyes. Whenever the nurse enters the room, he cannot take his eyes off the nurse's face, he watches her for a long time and dives. The nurse conveys this to the director of the hospital. The manager orders the nurse to wear black glasses. The nurse fulfills the words of the manager. When he entered the room the next day, İdris Muhammed Camma focused on the nurse's eyes again and read the following lines:
“The sword does not cut until it is sheathed. But the sword of your eyes cuts in two ways”.
So whether you wear glasses or not, it is sharp.
It is sharp whether you cover your face or not.
When he translates this couplet to the nurse, tears come out of his eyes. This couplet has been evaluated as the most eloquent couplet in the "century of hadith", that is, in the "modern age".